Monday 12 May 2014

Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation Awards (JBA)

Objectives of Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation Awards


The Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation has instituted four awards which are given annually. The objective of these awards is to recognize and suitably reward the efforts of women and men who have dedicated their life to Gandhian Constructive Work and the ideals which Jamnalal Bajaj had cherished all his life.


Categories of Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation Awards

Award for Outstanding Contribution in the field of Constructive Work

The Award, instituted in 1978, consisting of Rupees five lakhs in cash, a trophy and citation is given every year to an individual or individuals for outstanding contribution in any one or more fields of constructive work.
For the purpose of the Award, constructive work may cover village uplift, health and sanitation; khadi and village industries; go-seva; prohibition, harijan and tribal welfare, leprosy work; uplift of women and welfare of children; spread of Basic Education; propagation of Hindi and mother tongues; eradication of illiteracy; strengthening co-operative and group activities in agriculture; building up local leadership; encouraging local voluntary effort -- all these generally on the pattern of the Constructive Programme initiated by Gandhiji. For more information on this award please click here.

Award for Application of Science and Technology for Rural Development

This award, instituted in 1978, consisting of a cash Award of Rupees five lakhs, a trophy and citation is given annually to an individual or individuals for outstanding contribution in the field of application of science and technology for rural development, particularly for the benefit of the weaker sections of the people.
The application of science and technology may embody the use of alternative renewable sources of energy and of local resources, materials and human skills, and it should be within the means of the local population. Areas of current national importance and priorities and also those activities which result in greater employment and income generation in rural areas may be given preference in selection. For more information on activities/fields/areas considered for this award and the criteria for it's evaluation please click here.

Award for Outstanding Contribution to Development and Welfare of Women and Children

This award, instituted in 1980, in memory of Padma Vibhushan, Smt. Jankidevi Bajaj, consisting of a cash Award of Rupees five lakhs, a trophy and citation is given annually to a woman or women for outstanding contribution in development and welfare of women and children and/or Gandhian constructive work. For more information on activities/fields/areas considered for this award and the criteria for it's evaluation please click here.

International Award for Promoting Gandhian Values Outside India

An International Award was instituted by the Foundation in 1988 as part of the commemoration of Jamnalal Bajaj Birth Centenary. This Award too carries a Citation, a Trophy and a Cash Prize of Rs. 5 lakhs [its equivalent in foreign exchange]. It is given every year to individuals other than Indian citizens, for their contribution in promoting Gandhian values outside India.
For more information on activities/fields/areas considered for this award and the criteria for it's evaluation please click here.

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